Friday, August 04, 2006

Acts 15; Proverbs 19:16-29

Friday's Bible Reading: Acts 15; Proverbs 19:16-29

The forty-fifth day of summer.

The Monday, 24 July 2006 edition of Prime Time America on the Moody Broadcasting Network featured an interview with an Iranian Christian. It gives context to the culture wars and the battle between east and west. Very insightful. Very sobering. Very humbling. The interview begins at the 1:15 point of the program, so "fast forward" if you want to avoid the previous programming segments.

Jay and I heard it re-broadcast last Saturday on our way to Grand Haven. I just found the archive and listened again. Christians need to wake up and realize that whether we like it or not, what our nation is doing around the world is seen by others as being done in the name of Christ. Aargh! (And I'm not talking about our "humanitarian" efforts!)


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