Friday, October 06, 2006

Romans 8; Proverbs 10:1-11

Friday's Bible Reading: Romans 8; Proverbs 10:1-11

Today on the Diane Rehm Show, guest host Susan Page interviewed two authors who have recently published books about China: James Kynge, author of China Shakes the World, and John Pomfret, author of Chinese Lessons. Partway through the interview, the subject of religion came up. Kynge spoke of the alacrity of religion, and Pomfret referred to China's "moral vacuum" and "spiritual void." He went on to make this intriguing comment about a Chinese woman who was among his classmates: "She's envied because she has a belief. She's an evangelical Christian." He then quotes other classmates as saying, "She's great. She believes in something, whereas we don't believe in anything." To listen to the interview, click here. The comments I quoted can be heard starting about 37 minutes into the interview.


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