Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The devotional below is one that I wrote for Our Daily Bread but which they chose not to publish. I wrote it to go with their daily Bible reading schedule, which has John 16 as today's reading. I didn't realize until the editor pointed it out to me that my devotional referring to the apocalyptic "Left Behind" series was written for the date 6-6-6. I love these "coincidences"! Since it doesn't appear in today's Our Daily Bread, I decided to post it here for anyone who is interested.


6 June 2006

Left Behind

Read: John 16

I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. —John 16:7

For authors Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, the phrase “Left Behind” is music to their ears and money in the bank. But for the rest of us the words are like a knife in the heart. They bring to mind our worst memories or our biggest fears. How do we fill the emptiness when someone we love leaves us behind?

This must have been the question the disciples were asking when Jesus announced that he would be leaving them. For three years they had been like family—living together, traveling together, ministering together. But now their leader was moving on. Jesus did his best to prepare them, but his ability was limited by their inability to bear it (John 16:12).

Although Jesus couldn’t tell them everything they needed to know about the future, he promised them everything they would need to get through it. He would send Someone else to finish the job he had started. Life would be different, and they would be sorrowful for a time. But eventually their sorrow would be turned to joy (16:20).

This knowledge cannot ease the pain of being left behind, but it can help us get through it. If we determine to leave behind thoughts of what could have been and focus instead on what is yet to be, today's sadness will one day turn to joy. —Julie Ackerman Link


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